Problem Gambling in Online Casinos

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The statistics show that the problem gambler is typically younger than the general population, has higher levels of alcoholism and drug use, and funds their accounts with check-based banking. Some statistics show that many problem gamblers fund their accounts through check-based banking, so that their activity is invisible to others. Online casinos, however, are a much more complex affair than sports betting sites. In most cases, players can choose from two main options: downloading a client software or playing “instant” games through a web browser. Some casinos offer only one option, but most offer both.

Problem gamblers are younger

Most studies on problem gambling online haven’t yet determined whether the problem is specific to the internet mode. Instead, they have included both Internet gamblers and those who are primarily involved with offline gambling. In addition, most studies don’t differentiate the types of Internet gambling or identify risk factors specific to particular forms of online gambling. Despite the differences between offline and online gambling, it’s clear that problem gamblers are more likely to be younger when playing online gambling.

The prevalence of gambling is widespread. Gambling advertisements often portray it as a fun activity and a way to get rich fast. The appeal of playing online is further increased by the fact that many of these games are designed to encourage a winning streak in practice mode. These ‘wins’ are often significant ‘wins’ early in the gambling history of problem gamblers. But are these early ‘wins’ enough to create a problem?

They have higher rates of drug and alcohol use

There has been a growing body of evidence that internet problem gamblers are more likely to engage in problematic drug and alcohol use. Using surveys of 1119 online gamblers, researchers have found that problem gambling is associated with higher rates of alcohol use, smoking, and self-harm. Further, an Australian telephone survey of gambling addicts found that illicit drug use was a major risk factor for acquiring gambling problems.

Sadly, addiction can take a toll on a person’s family. The cost of addiction can be staggering – one opioid addiction can cost upwards of $300 a day. Not only can it drain the bank account, but it can also affect relationships, careers, and estates. It can even lead to criminal activity. If the problem is left untreated, it may lead to a life of crime.